
Jackson Pollock – 1

Jackson Pollock, Blue Poles, 1952
Jackson Pollock (1912-1956)
Blue Poles: Number 11, 1952
, 1952
212.09 x 488.95 cm
enamel and aluminium paint with glass on canvas

National Gallery of Australia
© Jackson Pollock, 1952/ARS. Licensed by VISCOPY, Sydney 2002

Jackson Pollock is in our opinion America's greatest painter. He acknowledged that he “changed painting” for all time, and he did it when we were in junior high. His paintings influenced us and many others on many levels; they inspired me to become the painter I was to become. Pollock's work is a lot more than “dribbling paint” on a canvas. His lyrical drawing, color, and space make him the prototype for all of Lyrical Abstraction and important spacial clues pointint toward Abstract Illusionism. The myths that have grown from his troubled life distract us from what is really important about him; that is, his paintings. His draftmanship is certainly lyrical, and his depiction of space is illusionistic on a cosmic scale.

 — Ronald Davis