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Jim Wrinkle - Digital Art Gallery

Jim Wrinkle, # 15

Jim Wriinkle
# 15, 2001
Digital Drawing
 Jim Wrinkle does his Digtal Art the old-fashioned artist way; except that he does it on a Mac IIfx. He opens Photoshop, and "paints" them with the brush (and smudge) tool — mouse click by mouse click. ( He does not depend on the filters and features of Photoshop to create these unique images; rather he relies on his thirty years experience as a painter, and this is what makes them so special.

 Recently in this new series of drawings Jimbo has extended the horizons of his digital world by getting a used Mac Quadra, a drawing tablet, and using Photoshop's "Layers" feature. He continues to work in anonymity. Index Pagedigital gallery indexPriorNext