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fog corners, 2001
Strata (v. ??) Rendering

The weather finally cleared up here in Ocean Beach today after a few days of really hot desert sucking fog, but now i can hear fog horns again and really dense fog is rolling up the east-west streets ... a curious effect since you can stand on a north-south street and watch it stream through the intersection.

(re fogcorners: writing abut the fog gave me an idea but sheesh -you can tell by the revision numbers - i was up half the night fooling with volumetric effects and still didn't get the feeling. It started out more simply and better but of course i over-wrote it somehow. I learned something though about the raydiosity engine (besides the fact that it turns a G4 into a mac 2) which is that once you set up something you've got to continue it infinitely if you want the light to be consistant - the bounce light afftects _everything.)


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