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The Seven Painters Gallery
This site focuses upon the following core group of artists . . .

Installation Views of the
Seven Painters

Held at the Nicholas Alexander Gallery,
Soho, New York City, October, 1995

Reviews of the Seven Painters Exhibition

Pepe Karmel, Seven Painters,
New York Times

Karen Wilken, At the Galleries,
Partisan Review | 1, 1996

Seven Painters groups together a number of painters who emerged in the late sixties with much fanfare, but since seem to have "fallen through a crack" in art world fashion.

In October of 1995 an exhibition focusing on seven of these artists was held at the Nicholas Alexander Gallery in New York City. This exhibition was the first in more than twenty years that these seven artists had exhibited their paintings together.

The genuineness and excellence of these works of art demand our attention again before it is too late. In the sixties these artists were the sons of American Abstract Painting; now in the nineties these artists are the Fathers. It is important now, more than ever, to take a look at the paintings labeled as "Lyrical Abstraction" and "Abstract Illusionism."

These paintings connect quickly and immediately to the viewer. The need for positive emotion in the world has never been greater than today. Positive emotional force emanates from this collection of paintings and can be absorbed directly by the receptive viewer capable of suspending disbelief. These artists were engaged in a personal spiritual search, the traces of which exist in these paintings. When seen together by the thoughtful viewer a plethora of visual information and an articulated language of color, composition, and paint creates a dialogue between these works that resonates with meaning and power which if nothing else will illuminate many of the mysteries of late Twentieth-Century abstraction.

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